
Contribute to the vCheck-vSphere repository

Hi! We can’t thank you enough for wanting to contribute; the community is what keeps the wheels moving on this awesome project. All we ask is that you follow some simple guidelines. The roots of these guidelines stem from the developer community and the actual document has been borrowed from Microsoft’s DscResources repository; they did an excellent job putting these guidelines together; why reinvent the wheel?

Using GitHub, Git, and this repository

We are working on more detailed instructions that outline the basics.

Contributing to the existing vCheck-vSphere repository

Forks and Pull Requests

GitHub fosters collaboration through the notion of pull requests. On GitHub, anyone can fork an existing repository into their own branch where they can make private changes to the original repository. To contribute these changes back into the original repository, a user simply creates a pull request in order to “request” that the changes be taken “upstream”.

Lifecycle of a pull reqeust

  • Always create pull requests to the `dev` branch of a repository.

For more information, learn about the branch structure that we are using.

  • When you create a pull request, fill out the description with a summary of what’s included in your changes. If the changes are related to an existing GitHub issue, please reference the issue in your description.
  • Once the PR is submitted, we will review your code
  • Once the code review is done, and all merge conflicts are resolved, a maintainer will merge your changes.

Contributing to documentation

More information to come about how to contribute to documentation!

Editing an existing plugin

We are in the process of adding/consolidating more detailed documentation around this.

Creating a new plugin

We are in the process of adding/consolidating more detailed documentation around this.


To join in discussions or ask questions, join the #vCheck channel on VMware Code Slack Team.

Style guidelines

When contributing to this repository, please follow the following guidelines:

  • For all indentation, use 4 spaces instead of tab stops
  • Make sure all files are encoding using UTF-8.
  • lf line endings are preferred
  • Remove empty whitespace at the end of each line/file (most modern text editors allow you to do this by enabling a setting)

Branch structure

We are using a git flow model for development. We recommend that you create local working branches that target a specific scope of change. Each branch should be limited to a single feature/bugfix both to streamline workflows and reduce the possibility of merge conflicts.